Better Bankside is powered by the people of Bankside.
We’re an organisation of innovators and do-ers, continually seeking new ways to involve the Bankside community in the co-creation and ideation of our programme. Our success relies on your participation.
Thanks to a constant dialogue with our membership, our programme continues to evolve in response to the needs of Banksiders. Looking ahead to 2030, we have developed strategies to ensure we foster a Stronger, Greener and Happier neighbourhood.
If you would like to get involved, share your expertise and ideas, represent your business, extend your network and meet fellow Banksiders, join one of our theme groups, specialising in particular aspects of our programme. See the groups and contacts at Better Bankside below:
Area Promotion
Promoting Bankside as a destination, and all it has to offer. Contact Emma Charter, Marketing Manager
Bankside Urban Forest
Driving innovation and improvements in the public realm. Contact Eliza Daeschler, Place Making Project Manager
Bankside Business Network
Bringing businesses together, enhancing the offer for people working in Bankside. Contact Charlotte Stanley, Membership Manager
Responsible Business and Inclusion
Connecting businesses, charities and community groups. Contact Rachel Nicholson, Responsible Business and Inclusion Manager
Security and Resilience
Safety, resilience, disaster contingency. Contact Diane Newton, Resilience and Crime Reduction Manager
Recycling, single use plastic reduction, air quality, freight, walking, cycling, advocacy. Contact Sadie Hodgson, Sustainability Manager.
Venues Bankside
Promoting meeting venues and event spaces to corporate bookers. Contact Emma Charter, Marketing Manager