The concept of a credit score is tricky to understand at the best of times, but with this presentation, you’ll be better placed to know how a credit score is put together and what your score means for you.
This is part of HSBC’s new series of HIIT financial wellbeing sessions, each covering a specific topic in a shorter higher intensity seminar to aid your Financial Wellbeing and knowledge.
See the full series here.
Register via the following link.
Free 1-1 financial health check:
HSBC are offering quick and free 1-1 financial health checks, no matter where you personally bank.
Book a telephone discussion with an experience Financial Fitness Trainer to go through a quick and easy Financial Health Check. The 30 minute call will allow you to explore all aspects of your finances and ask any questions you may have. The Financial Health Check is beneficial at any life stage, and aims to help you reach your financial goals.