Balancing work and care? Help shape the new Bankside Carers’ Network

  • Date Wednesday, 14 August 2024
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Rachel Nicholson

One in seven UK workers are carers, with 75% worrying about the pressures of juggling work with their caring responsibilities.  The new Carers Leave Act gives workers the right to one week’s unpaid leave each year to care for a dependent, but for so many people who look after family members, friends or neighbours, it’s a long-term commitment. 

In June this year, Better Bankside launched a new network for people who balance working for a Bankside business alongside their caring responsibilities for a family member or friend who is disabled, has an illness or long-term condition, or needs extra help as they grow older. 

According to Carers UK, many carers struggle to balance these competing pressures, whilst also having to deal with the emotional, financial and practical challenges of being a carer.   

The Bankside Carers’ Network is a new community that will offer support and expert advice for working carers in Bankside.  To help shape this new network and its activities, we’re asking anyone who works for a Bankside business and has caring responsibilities to complete a short survey, telling us which topics and issues matter to you.

Bankside Carers Network survey 

The Bankside Carers’ Network is part of the growing Bankside Inclusion Networks programme; each network is led by a chair or co-chairs, supported by a steering group that helps to shape the network’s events and activities.   

If you would like more information about how to get more involved in the Bankside Carers’ Network, you can either indicate this in the survey or contact Rachel Nicholson for more information.