Next Tuesday, 16 February, Banksiders would usually be stretching their hamstrings and flexing their forearms in preparation for the infamous Better Bankside Pancake Day Race – with a promise of a hot pancake at the end.
While we can’t host an in-person race this year, we felt compelled to mark the occasion in some way. So, from the comfort of your own kitchens, represent your business and film yourself flipping a pancake as many times as you can in 10 seconds. Or of course nominate your most competitive colleague. All you need to do is share the 10 second clip on Twitter, tag @BetterBankside, name your business and include #flippinlockdown.
Share your entries throughout the day on 16 February, whether you’re having pancakes for breakfast, lunch or dinner, just make sure you post your clip by midnight. The winner with the most pancake flips will be announced the next day and will receive a Borough Market hamper.
On your marks, get set, flip!