As part of the Better You event, here’s a chance to get your sweat on with other banksiders to keep your new year fitness going. Experience a fun and challenging 30-minute cycle run of hills, sprints and endurance intervals that will keep you coming back for more as you enjoy this ultimate bike-based calorie burner. This class is bound to put an accomplished smile on your face.
You are welcome to join this event if you live or work in Bankside.
Click the link to check out the other excellent facilities and classes Energie Fitness Borough offer for Banksiders.
Click the register button above and use the password Bankside to get signed up for free.
This event is part of Better You, our wellbeing programme to help you start the new year with a spring in your step. January is the perfect time to try new activities and hone your skills, and Better You is here to help you do just that. Our series of free activities aims to have something for everyone, and we’d love you to sign up to other events.